today, for those in group EFGH,
Alkisahnya bermula...........
Perasaan Fatiem bercampur-baur, " patutkah Fatiem ambik pesakit dr KRU(klinik rawatan Utama)? Miss M the person that suppose to be my patient today dapat datang ker hari nie? Kalau dia dapat datang kul berapa dia dapat sampai kat klinik petang nie? last clinical session she told me that she may be late for today appoinment because she needs to take care of her siblings. "
Setelah menceritakan keadaan tersebut dan berbincang dengan Miss NF my classmate and also one of my best friend, Fatiem buat keputusan tuk tulis nama untuk ambik pesakit dari KRU dan batalkan appoinment dengan miss M.
Nasib baik Fatiem tulis nama. nak tahu naper?
11.44am satu mesej diterima..miss M tak dapat datang sebab ada hal..
Jadi petient hari nie ialah mr F..
Jadi petient hari nie ialah mr F..
Mr F details
26 years old healthy gentleman, complain of continous pain on the posterior right area, the pain start 5 days ago which disturbed his sleep. actually the pain start at the upper left alveolar mucosa, then to the upper right alveolar mucosa and last 2 days the pain was concentrated at the lower right alveolar mucosa and buccal mucosa. he take pain killer but the pain doesn't seem to resolve.There is no history of biting of the cheek. Oral hygiene is poor, generalized gingival recession with abundant of plaque, supra and subgingival calculus. During clinical examination, the 18,28 and 48 are partially erupt. very thick plaque found at 48. there is erythematous area posterior to maxillary tuberosity. there is slightly inflammation on the complain area. palpation on the area elicit pain. there is no biting of the upper posterior teeth on the lower alveolar mucosa.

jemput2 lah jawab soalan2 diatas ya....soalan Oral pathology nie...cpt2..
Fatiem tak treat pun problem tu since he requests for scaling.
cuma bagi nasihat dan cadangan macam mana nak kurangkan sakit..
today, first time buat IDB after almost 1 year practise kat partner time ICD (introduction to clinical dentistry) dulu, and 1st time jugak bagi LA for Scaling.
ok..that all..tQ
:. for those who want to check the answers, please leave me a comment.
what are the special investigations can be done?
what are the differential diagnosis?
what is the diagnosis?
what are the treatments option for this condition?
what are the suitable advise and recommendations for this patient?
jemput2 lah jawab soalan2 diatas ya....soalan Oral pathology nie...cpt2..
Fatiem tak treat pun problem tu since he requests for scaling.
cuma bagi nasihat dan cadangan macam mana nak kurangkan sakit..
today, first time buat IDB after almost 1 year practise kat partner time ICD (introduction to clinical dentistry) dulu, and 1st time jugak bagi LA for Scaling.
ok..that all..tQ
:. for those who want to check the answers, please leave me a comment.
1 comment:
nak teka2... burning mouth syndrome ke? hihi x tau2..nak tau... ape die fatim??
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